Reduce Condensation and Mould in your Commercial Kitchen, Restaurant or Café.


From a small corner cafe to large food production kitchens, cleanliness and hygiene is paramount.  We know that, but do we know there are some great tips tricks and better still, simple effective equipment to assist.  Our dehumidifiers are in many food production spaces because they vastly assist with the issue of mould, wet, condensation that occurs in every cooking environment.

14 Tips for Condensation Reduction resulting in a fresh hygienic workspace.


  1. Use an extractor hood above the cooker or an extractor fan in the space. Lids to cover pans also reduces steam.  Let the extractor run for longer to clear moist air.


  1. Close doors to dry spaces. Kitchens and Bathrooms are the largest causes of water vapour that creates condensation.  Keep the water vapour / steam in the main space only by closing doors and access to other dryer space.  Letting the moist air move to a cooler room with form condensation when it touches a colder surface.


  1. Remove wet fabrics, cloths, mops, cleaning items when Kitchen is not in operation.  They need to dry too, so if outdoors is an option great.  If not, dehumidifiers can assist in the drying process.  Especially over night.


  1. Wash down, floor mopping, cleaning surfaces etc. Of course this is a necessity to reduce bacteria, germs, contaminants and majorly required with chemicals in a commercial kitchen.  This process is vastly improved by using a dehumidifier, which simply removes the cause of mould, mildew and moisture/condensation.  Not only will is assist in the removing moisture from the air. it will also clean air and push dryer air back into the space. By reducing the moisture in the air, you are reducing the humidity in the space which stop the growth of mould and bacteria.  Saving you a small fortune on chemicals to treat and kill growth.


  1. Ensure Dishwashers, washing machine, glass washers are well ventilated. If you can’t ventilate or air flow is restricted run your dehumidifier during the cycle and after when the dishwasher, machine is open.


  1. Keep furniture away from walls where possible, even by 5cm will make a difference. By doing this you allow air to move freely into areas where damp and mould can develop.


  1. Gas creates moisture – Condensation is the process in which molecules of a gas slow down, come together, and form a liquid. When gas molecules transfer their energy to something cooler, they slow down, and their attractions cause them to join together to become a liquid


  1. Open windows when the weather is warmer outside. Ventilate.


  1. Heating will improve the room temperature and surfaces, but once that stops condensation will return.


  1. Surfaces that are cold will hold excess moisture and can quickly turn to mould if left. Dry the surfaces by running your dehumidifier or wipe down regularly.
  2. Storage of dry goods, canned goods, eg pantry or dry store. Maybe even IT equipment or specific kitchen tools that need drying.. Leave space for air to move. It’s easy to have too much stored goods, but the last thing  you need is the musty smell which means the space is overfilled and requires dehumidification or good ventilation, sometimes both.


  1. Insulation, glazing and draft proofing will assist to reduce the amount of heat that is in the kitchen space. Not ventilation and fan extraction alone, but consider windows and walls – what they are made of and what can be done to further insulated.


  1. Use humidity meters, they are an inexpensive way to monitor what is happening in an environment. Many have the ability to access via blue tooth etc so you can monitor ongoing.
  2. There are also many dehumidifiers that can be monitored remotely…eg commercial kitchen closes at x time dehumidifiers run during the night til return of kitchen staff in the morning.

Need help with condensation, mould or damp problems?

Our local experts are here to learn more about your problems, we offer free expert advice and make recommendations for a permanent solution.

During the free consultation we will:

  • Ask about the environment, size of the space, issues experienced
  • Find out what is causing condensation, damp or mould problems in your property
  • We will suggest monitoring and taking readings of the relative humidity levels
  • Assist identify any underlying problems and make recommendations for a permanent solution be it portable, ducted or wall mounted

Call or email us today at Damp Solutions Australia PH 1300 353 043


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